About Us
Sapior is a British company with an extensive background in data management and business intelligence. We understand the value of using data for a host of management activities. But we also recognise the vital importance of fostering trust and confidence in the people whose data is being used. It is our mission to enable ethical data sharing.
Privacy and security issues are increasingly prevalent as organisations become more dependent on leveraging data for competitive advantage and individuals become more concerned about how their personal data is handled. Sapior De-Identification products enhance the security and privacy of sensitive data, for use especially where data is regulated, analysed, outsourced or shared with partners.
Used by financial services, healthcare and government organisations, Sapior’s Pseudonymisation solutions provide protection against internal threats, such as malicious or compromised employees. Additionally, Sapior’s automated solutions can simplify and thus improve the cost efficiency of security processes.
Sapior’s founders come from a background in Business Intelligence/Data Warehousing and Scalable Computing. They have worked with leading financial services and retail companies in the US and Europe.
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Latest News
Safemerge v2 released
May 2013 - Building on Sapior's market lead in e ... Read...
Self service Pseudo service launched
March 2012 - Sapior has launched a self service ... Read...